Summer Leagues:​
Summer Mixed:
4- person mixed team
USBC Sanctioned
Ending August
No longer taking sign ups
Funtime Bowlers
Will finish up August 27th
Runs April-August
Fall Winter Leagues
Sign ups will occur in August!
5-person USBC sanctioned mixed league
Mondays @ 7pm
September- May
Sign ups happening NOW
Coffee League:
4-person USBC sanctioned women's league
Thursdays @ 12pm
Sign ups happening NOW
Fellowship League
4-person mixed USBC sanctioned
Thursdays @ 7pm
Sign ups happening NOW
Maybe a new League coming this Fall!
Youth League
Currently not taking sign ups
Planned start date January/ February
Will have 2 youth options:
1. USBC sanctioned youth
2. Non-sanctioned bumper league
Keep checking our Facebook closer to time for sign up information